@thesis{thesis, author={Harahap Anwar Syaputra}, title ={Pencarian Jarak Terdekat Menggunakan Haversine Formula Pada Apotek Yang Ada Di Bengkalis}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/7247/}, abstract={Pharmacy is a place of business in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical work, namely the manufacture, processing, compounding, changing shape, mixing, storage and delivery of drugs or drug ingredients. The number of pharmacies in Bengkalis is very large, which is approximately 35 pharmacies. The problem with this research is that sometimes people still find it difficult to find the nearest pharmacy from the person's position. If for example in an emergency such as an accident or stricken with a disease, people have difficulty finding pharmacies in the vicinity, so people have to travel to find pharmacies in a manual way, namely by walking around the city of Bengkalis. Based on these problems, the author wants to build an application that can display the location of the nearest pharmacies, so that it can be a reference for users to find pharmacies in the vicinity. The results of this research will be the creation of an application to find the nearest pharmacy by applying the Haversine Formula algorithm, using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method. This application will display the nearest pharmacies from the user's distance using google maps technology.} }