@thesis{thesis, author={Putra Ruzy Ananda}, title ={Rancang Bangun Kotak Amal Anti Maling Berbasis IOT}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/7300/}, abstract={Internet of Things (IoT) is a device that is installed using sensors. One of the devices that can do IoT innovations that can make it easier to maintain security in charity boxes. Charity boxes used in mosques in general still use conventional or ordinary security and have low security levels and have the potential for criminal acts, namely theft of charity boxes. The Charity Box which was designed using Reed Swich sensors and Ultrasonic sensors has been successfully implemented and is in accordance with the expected goals. Testing when the charity box is forcibly opened or released in its place forcibly, the buzzer successfully sounds and sends a notification on the Blynk application. Based on the test results show that the performance of the charity box can be monitored remotely using the Blynk application as expected.} }