@thesis{thesis, author={Maharani Putri Shita}, title ={PERBANDINGAN METODE KIRBY BAUER (CAKRAM) DAN METODE WELL DIFFUSION (SUMURAN) UNTUK DAYA HAMBAT MINYAK ATSIRI RIMPANG LENGKUAS MERAH (Alpinia purpurata K.Schum) TERHADAP JAMUR Candida albicans}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/10418/}, abstract={COMPARISON OF KIRBY BAURER METHOD (DISC) AND WELL DIFFUSION METHOD (WELL) FOR RESISTANCE USING ESSENTIAL OIL OF RED GALANGAL RHIZOME (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) AGAINST Candida albicans Shita Maharani Putri1, M.Atik Martiningsih2, Sujono 3 1,2,3Jurusan Teknologi Laboratorium Medis Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, Jl. Tatabumi No.3 Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Email : shitamaharaniputri22069@gmail.com ABSTRACT Background : Test the inhibition of essential oil of red galangal rhizome (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) against Candida albicans there is Kirby Bauer diffusion and well diffusion. Many kind of method antifungi test, such as diffusion and dilution. Method diffusion disk is the most method use or research. The diffusion method is to determine the zone of inhibition against the fungus Candida albicans. Objective : Knowing the effect of the best method of inhibiting s of essential oils of red galangal rhizome (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) on the growth of Candida albicans to determine the method of wells or disk that can produce a greater inhibition zone. Method : This type of research is pure experimental research with a "Post-test Only Control Group Design". This design has a comparison group (Control) and observation. Data were analyzed analytically by . Result : The average diameter zone obstruent to the method well diffusion by concentration of the 100 % are 8,79 mm. the average diameter zone obstruent to the method kirby bauer with 100 % is 13,25 mm. Positive control methods of well diffusion is 10,80 mm and positive control of kirby bauer methods is 13,98 mm. The strongest power there are barriers on repetition of 4 with a method of kirby bauer with zones 25,93 mm. Conclusion : Examination power obstruent uses the method kirby bauer ( discs ) more sensitive than a method of sumuran ( well diffusion ) using essential oil of red galangal rhizome (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) of the growth of Candida albicans. Keywords : Red galangal rhizome essential oil (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum), Candida albicans, Well diffusion method, Kirby Bauer method PERBANDINGAN METODE KIRBY BAURER (CAKRAM) DAN METODE WELL DIFFUSION (SUMURAN) UNTUK DAYA HAMBAT MENGGUNAKAN MINYAK ATSIRI RIMPANG LENGKUAS MERAH (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) TERHADAP JAMUR Candida albicans Shita Maharani Putri1, M.Atik Martiningsih2, Sujono3 1,2,3Jurusan Teknologi Laboratorium Medis Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, Jl. Tatabumi No.3 Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Email : shitamaharaniputri22069@gmail.com ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Uji daya hambat berbagai minyak atsiri rimpang lengkuas merah (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) terhadap jamur Candida albicans metode kirby bauer dan well diffusion. Metode uji antifungi dibagi mejadi difusi, dilusi dan difusi dilusi. Metode sumuran dan kirby bauer dalah metode difusi, yang menggunakan media padat. Metode difusi untuk mengetahui zona hambat terhadap jamur. Tujuan : Mengetahui perbandingan metode yang paling sensitif untuk menghambat minyak atsiri rimpang lengkuas merah (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans dan mengetahui metode well diffusion atau kirby bauer yang dapat menghasilkan zona hambatnya lebih besar. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini penelitian eksperimen murni dengan rancangan ?Post - test Only Control Group Design?. Rancangan ini ada kelompok pembanding (Kontrol) dan observasi. Data dianalisis secara analitik Hasil : Rata-rata diameter zona hambat pada metode well diffusion dengan konsentrasi 100% adalah 8,79 mm. Rata-rata diameter zona hambat pada metode kirby bauer dengan 100% adalah adalah 13,25 mm. Kontrol positif metode well diffusion sebesar 10,80 mm dan kontrol positif metode kirby bauer sebesar 13,98 mm. Daya hambat terkuat terdapat pada pengulangan ke-4 dengan metode kirby bauer dengan zona hambat sebesar 25,93 mm. Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan daya hambat menggunakan metode kirby bauer (cakram) lebih sensitif daripada metode sumuran (well diffusion) menggunakan minyak atsiri rimpang lengkuas merah (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum) terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans. Kata Kunci : Rimpang lengkuas merah (Alpinia Purpurata K.Schum), Candida albicans, metode well diffusion, metode kirby bauer} }