@thesis{thesis, author={Raharjanto Bima}, title ={PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELI ULANG (Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Oli Sepeda Motor Merek AHM di Kota Semarang)}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1031/}, abstract={The development of the business world in all countries is very rapid, causing the impact of corporate competition. The company's competition is dense as well as competition in the product oil motorcycle automotive industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotional product quality on customer satisfaction as a mediation and decision to repurchase interest. The population in this study was sampling using purposive sampling technique in order to obtain a sample of 100 respondents. The data in this study are primary data in the form of a questionnaire via google form. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the data obtained and the results of the analysis that have been carried out by researchers can be concluded that there is an influence between product quality and promotion on repurchase interest, customer satisfaction does not have a positive effect on repurchase interest. Customer satisfaction is not able to mediate the effect of product quality on repurchase interest, customer satisfaction is able to mediate promotion on repurchase interest.} }