@thesis{thesis, author={Pranoto Tedi}, title ={PENGARUH KEPRIBADIAN PROAKTIF TERHADAP WORK ENGAGEMENT : PERAN MODERASI GROWTH MINDSET DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL (Study Pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Tegal)}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1399/}, abstract={This study aims to examine the effect of proactive personality, growth mindset and transformational leadership on work engagement, the moderating role of growth mindset and transformational leadership on the effect of proactive personality on work engagement. The population in this study were all employees of the Tegal Regency Population and Civil Registration Office with a total of 67 employees. The sampling technique uses a saturated sample or the entire population is used as the sample area so that there are 67 samples. The analysis uses the partial least squares (PLS) and the smartPLS analysis tool. Findings, proactive personality, growth mindset and transformational leadership have a significant positive effect on work engagement, growth mindset and transformational leadership strengthen the effect of proactive personality on work engagement. The limitations of this study are using respondents from local government agency employees, with a total of 67. For further research using adding a larger number of respondents conducted in non-governmental organizations.} }