@thesis{thesis, author={Ariani Devi}, title ={PENGARUH PENGALAMAN MEREK, KEPUASAN MEREK, DAN KEPERCAYAAN MEREK DALAM MEMBANGUN LOYALITAS MEREK : PENELITIAN EMPIRIS PADA MEREK LIPSTIK WARDAH DI KOTA SEMARANG}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1516/}, abstract={ABSTRACK In the current era of globalization, industrial competition is getting tighter, in this case companies are looking for ways to increase their existence in society which will lead to increased sales. The purpose of this study was to deterimine The Effect of Brand Experience, Brand Satisfaction, And Brand Trust In Building Brand Loyalty : Empirical Research On The Wardah Lipstick Brand In Semarang. In this study, 100 respodents were customers of Wardah lipstick products. The sampling technique used in this study is non probability sampling. The analytical tool used is Multiple Linear Regression which is first tested for data validity and reliability. The results showed that Brand Experience does not affect Brand Loyalty, while Brand Satisfaction and Brand Trust do affect Brand Loyalty. Keyword : Brand Experience, Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty} }