@thesis{thesis, author={Widyarno Aqshal Tunjung}, title ={ANALISIS LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN PENDAPATAN DAN BELANJA DAERAH PADA PEMERINTAH DAERAH KABUPATEN BOYOLALI}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1521/}, abstract={Abstract This study aims to analyze the Realization Report of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for Boyolali Regency for 2020-2021. The population of this study is the Budget Realization Report (LRA) for the Regional Government of Boyolali Regency for 2020-2021. Meanwhile, the research sample was taken using a saturated sampling technique. , so that the sample in this study is the Budget Realization Report (LRA) for the Regional Government of Boyolali Regency for 2020 ? 2021. This research uses secondary data with data analysis techniques in the form of financial ratio analysis. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in the Regional Government of Boyolali Regency for 2020 - 2021 has been effective and efficient. This is shown from the results of calculating the effectiveness ratio for Boyolali Regency for 2020 ? 2021 of more than 100% which is included in the very effective category. In addition, the calculation results show that the efficiency ratio for Boyolali Regency for 2020 ? 2021 is less than 60% which is included in the very efficient category. Keywords: Budget Realization Report, Regional Dutch and Revenue Budget, Effectiveness, Efficiency} }