@thesis{thesis, author={Kusmono Yohanes Harry}, title ={PENGARUH KARAKTERISTIK PRIBADI, KESEJAHTERAAN PSIKOLOGIS DAN KUALITAS KEHIDUPAN KERJA TERHADAP JOB BURNOUT AUDITOR (Studi pada BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1925/}, abstract={The aim of this research is to find out the influence of personal characteristics, psychological well-being, and quality of work life on job burnout in auditors who work at BPK Representative of Central Java Province. The population of this research 162 auditors with the sample of respondents is 87 auditors through questionnaire. Sampling technique of this research uses Purposive Sampling. The research uses statistic data analysis SEM-PLS. Result of the analysis shows hypothesis 1 (one) to 7 (seven) having P-value <0,05 means that hypothesis is accepted. Observation result show that personal characteristics have a significant and negative effect on job burnout, personal characteristics have a significant and positive effect on psychological well-being, psychological well-being has a significant and negative effect on job burnout, personal characteristics have a significant and positive effect on quality of work life, quality of work life has a significant and negative effect on burnout, psychological well-being affects the strength of the negative influence between personal characteristics on job burnout, and quality of work life affects the strength of the negative influence between personal characteristics on burnout. Keywords: burnout, auditor, personal characteristics, psychological well-being, work-life quality} }