@thesis{thesis, author={Ansamukti Chesa Aurly Gradita}, title ={PERAN MODERASI KOMITMEN AFEKTIF UNTUK MENGURANGI PENINGKATAN NIAT BERHENTI BEKERJA AKIBAT WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT (STUDI PADA KARYAWAN DI KOTA SEMARANG)}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/1985/}, abstract={Abstract Millennials and Generation Z, with all their workplace woes, cannot be avoided from resignation or turnover intention. Turnover is something that companies need to pay attention to considering its significant impact on business sustainability. In this regard, this study attempts to identify whether work-family conflict variables can affect turnover intention moderated by affective commitment. In this research, the SmartPLS 4 application is used as an analytical tool. The results showed that work-family conflict significantly affects turnover intention among employees in Semarang City, while affective commitment unable to moderate the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention. Keywords: Turnover Intention, Work-Family Conflict, Millennial Generation, Generation Z, Affective Commitment.} }