@thesis{thesis, author={Nugraha Bagus Prasetya}, title ={Peran Variabel Mediasi Teamwork Terhadap Workload dan Work Environment dalam Kinerja Karyawan di PT Sinarmas Distribusi Nusantara Rembang}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.stiebankbpdjateng.ac.id/2018/}, abstract={Abstract The performance of workers in the warehouse determines the process of circulating trade goods to run effectively and efficiently. This requires optimal teamwork, a supportive work environment and proportional workload. This study aims to describe, test, and analyze, how employee performance of warehouse workers is influenced by workload, work-environment with the mediator of Indonesian retail warehouse team-work. This study uses a quantitative research design with PLS-SEM and bootstrap estimation. Data was collected through a survey of 60 warehouse employees at Sinarmas Distribusi Nusantara Rembang Branch & Wonosari. The results show that work-load has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; work environment has a positive but statistically insignificant relationship to employee performance; work load has a positive and significant effect on teamwork; work environment has a positive and statistically significant relationship to teamwork; teamwork has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; teamwork does not mediate the effect of work load on employee performance; and teamwork mediates the effect of work environment on employee performance Sinarmas Distribusi Nusantara consists of Rembang and Wonosari. Keyword: workload, work environment, team work, Kinerja karyawan, retail warehouse} }