@thesis{thesis, author={Yoga Pratama Ravindra}, title ={ANALISIS EFFISIENSI PANEL SURYA SEBAGAI ENERGI ALTERNATIF}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1170/}, abstract={Electrical energy is energy that is very important for human life. But for now, the availability of sources of electrical energy is not able to meet the increasing demand for electricity in Indonesia. One effort to overcome this problem is to use alternative energy sources such as the sun. The sun can make a very large contribution if it is used optimally by creating or designing an energy conversion system that can supply energy needs. Therefore we need an energy storage system, namely accumulator or battery. The energy generated from the sun can be used to charge power to the accumulator for storage. In this study, the authors will measure the current and voltage on a solar panel that functions as a device that will receive solar energy. In addition to current and voltage, the author will also calculate the power and efficiency of the solar panels. The measurement will be in 2 sessions, namely without using a load and using a 5, 10, and 15 Watt LED load. Measurements were taken at 11.00 - 15.00 WIB where the intensity of the sun was still quite high. The average power generated by the panel in a day without using a load is 15.55 Watt. Whereas if using a 5 Watt load it is 14.41 , a 10 Watt load is 14.22 , and a 15 Watt load is 14.04 .} }