@thesis{thesis, author={Dimas Wisnu Aji Octavianus}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PEMILAHAN JENIS SAMPAH SECARA OTOMATIS PADA TONG SAMPAH PINTAR BERBASIS ESP32}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1185/}, abstract={Garbage is one of the quite complex problems faced by developing countries like Indonesia. Disposal of random or mixed waste can reduce the value of materials that are thought to still have benefits for recycling. This is caused by the type of organic material that can damage the condition of waste made from inorganic materials. This will certainly be very detrimental, seeing the many benefits of inorganic waste that can be recycled to become a product that has a selling price. Research will create a smart rubbish bin that can sort organic and inorganic waste automatically. The tool is designed using several types of circuits including the ESP32 microcontroller, three proximity sensors consisting of proximity infrared, capacitive and inductive, besides that there are several other circuits such as the DFPlayer module, mini speaker, two servo motors, three ultrasonic sensors, 16x2 LCD, 12 volt adapter and LM2596 step down. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, several test results were obtained, especially in the functional testing of the tool system. The results of the response test of the servo motor covering the trash can to the reading of the ultrasonic sensor 1 obtained results where the servo motor could open the lid of the trash can when the detection distance of the object detected was less than 30 cm. Furthermore, the servo motor will close the trash can again when the object distance is more than 70 cm. The results of the waste sorting test based on the percentage of success, obtained 88% for organic waste and 96% for inorganic waste types. The results of the garbage detection test when the condition is full, the system can send notifications to the Whatsapp bot automatically when the trash is full. Besides that, DFPlayer can also process the sound that is emitted in the form of sound through the mini speaker according to the conditions of the type of garbage that is full.} }