@thesis{thesis, author={Adyansyah Muhammad}, title ={ANALISIS NILAI MANFAAT PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG PUSAT DESAIN INDUSTRI NASIONAL (PDIN) DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA GUNA PENINGKATAN POTENSI DIRGANTARA}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1197/}, abstract={Construction of the National Industrial Design Center Building in Yogyakarta City is a collaborative project between the Ministry of Industry and the government the city of Yogyakarta which aims to increase the competitiveness of SMEs with focus on research activities and capacity development in the field of design. This construction required an initial cost of around 42 billion rupiah from special allocation funds (DAK). Research data was taken from the city's industrial cooperative and SME department Yogyakarta, as the implementer of the PDIN development project, is equipped with data market research and supporting data from other valid sources. All data compiled into cash flows over the useful life of the building and converted into value present with the equivalence formula. With this research, it is hoped that it will be possible know what the benefits are and how much they are worth PDIN development. The results of the research show that the benefits of building a PDIN are: income for managers, opening up new job opportunities, and increasing labor productivity with training programs. The net benefit value of PDIN development project amounting to IDR 32,264,457,685 with a BCR value of 1,273. And from the sensitivity testing process, an increase in costs can be obtained tolerated up to more than 50% if the benefit value does not change and a reduction in benefits can be tolerated of more than -20% in value conditions costs have not changed.} }