@thesis{thesis, author={Setiawan Ongki}, title ={ANALISIS HUBUNGAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN AKADEMIK TERHADAP KEPUASAN MAHASISWA MENGGUNAKAN METODE REGRESI LINIER BERGANDA DI INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI DIRGANTARA ADISUTJIPTO}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1208/}, abstract={Private universities are currently faced with difficult decisions, besidesthey must continue to compete with other state universities, he must toocompete with universities that are now competing with each otheroffering increasingly competitive educational products. InstituteAdisutjipto Aerospace Technology (ITDA) Yogyakarta is one of themPrivate Universities (PTS) with Aerospace nuances were heldby the Adi Usaha Air Force Foundation (YASAU), located in the areaAdisutjipto Air Force base. This research is researchquantitative with a descriptive approach. Object of research carried out by researchersnamely, in the academic services section of the Adisutjipto Aerospace Technology Institute(ITDA) Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influenceQuality of academic services on ITDA Yogyakarta student satisfactionusing three dimensions of service quality, namely, responsiveness,reliability, and physical evidence. The research method used is analysisMultiple Linear Regression using questionnaires and surveysas a data collection technique. The research results show that there isstrong correlation in the responsiveness variable with a value of 0.672, the correlation value0.734 on the reliability variable and the physical evidence variable has a correlationthe strongest with a correlation value of 0.805. Physical evidence variables (X1), reliability (X2),and physical evidence (X3) are simultaneously stated to influence satisfactionstudents, with a value of Sig. 0.256 for the responsiveness variable, Sig value. 0,000for the reliability variable, and a Sig.0.000 value for the physical evidence variable. NumberThe coefficient of determination or adjusted R squre produced by the two modelsof 0.647 and 0.709. Indicators used in determining the best modelis the adjusted R squre value which has the largest value, so the modelThe second is chosen, meaning the independent variables are physical evidence and reliabilitytogether influence the dependent variable, namely student satisfaction, by70.9% From the explanation above, H2 and H3 in the hypothesis are declared acceptedmeans there is a positive and significant relationship between the reliability variables(Reliability) and physical evidence (Tangible) on Institute student satisfactionAerospace Technology Adisutjipto Yogyakarta and H1 in the hypothesis statedrejected, which means there is no positive and significant relationship between variablesResponsiveness towards student satisfaction at the Institute of TechnologyDirgantara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta.} }