@thesis{thesis, author={Isfiawan Fanny}, title ={ANALISIS BEBAN MENTAL DAN FISIK KERJA DI BAGIAN PPIC MENGGUNAKAN METODE RATING SCALE MENTAL EFFORT ( RSME) DAN NASA TLX DI PT. XYZ}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1238/}, abstract={The use of human labor as a source of labor in the industrial world is still very dominant when carrying out the production process, especially in manual activities. In the company, humans act as operators and play an important role in completing a job. PT. XYZ is a garment industry company that produces shirts from fabric raw materials, this company has a production target of 6,000 pcs in 1 working day so that it can produce 150,000 pcs of shirts per month. The division responsible for production activities starting from the planning process until the inventory process is carried out is the PPIC (production, planning and inventory control) division employees, the company's production targets are not achieved due to too high production targets and working hours that are above normal working hours, where this problem causes mental workload and physical workload on employees, especially in the PPIC (production, planning and inventory control) division. In this study, workload measurements in PPIC were carried out using the NASA TLX, RSME methods. The results of the research for the NASA TLX workload level regarding the results of the mental and physical workload rating, namely the average score interpretation is 78.7 with a high category and on Mental Demand with an average interpretation score of 77.1 with a high category, Physical Demand with an average interpretation score of 76.7 with a high category and Frustration Level with an average interpretation score of 74.6 with a high category. Then in the Rating assessment using the RSME approach, it shows the efforts made by 24 respondents who are PPIC (Production Planning and inventory Control) employees in table 4.8 regarding the results of the RSME Rating, namely with an average value of 93 and categorized as "great effort".} }