@thesis{thesis, author={Bisma Dias Panenggak Mahatma}, title ={PERANCANGAN ALAT PERAGA NOSE LANDING GEAR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE CATIA V5}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1253/}, abstract={The nose landing gear trainer is a tool that made to resemble the original nose landing gear with different sizes and dimensions. This nose landing gear teaching aid functions as learning material for students and university students to find out how nose landing gear works on airplanes. This study discusses the design of nose landing gear teaching aids using CATIA V5 software. This design pays attention to the dimensions so that it can make it easier to design the nose landing gear. The results of this design are 600 mm shock strut, 160 mm tire diameter, 102 mm fork, 250 mm upper drag brace, 200 mm lower drag brace, 100 mm actuator and a beam-shaped frame with a length of 10000 mm, 350 mm wide and 1000 mm high.} }