@thesis{thesis, author={Aryshafiq Dimas}, title ={ANALISIS LOSS OFF BR AKE FUNCTION S Y STEM HYDRAULIC WHEEL BRAKE PADA PESAWAT BOEING 737 800 NG MENGGUNAKAN METODE F AULT TREE ANALYSIS DI HANGGAR PT. MERPATI TRAINING CENTER}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1254/}, abstract={Boeing 737-800 NG is an aircraft using three types of braking, namely wheel brakes, thrust reversers and ground spoiler. The wheel brake consists of several layers of carbon or steel discs called a stack. The basic principle behind every brake operation is to create a controlled frictional process that increases the deceleration rate. The failure analysis that occurs in the brake system is based on observations and information obtained from field instructors and mechanics. In addition to using the observation method, this research also uses analytical methods to find the causes of problems with loss of braking ability on Boeing 737- 800 NG aircraft. The method used is the fault tree analysis method to identify failures where the aircraft experiences a loss of braking ability caused by the brake shuttle valve and brake matering valve. analysis using the FTA method to find out the causes of failure in the brake system, after analysis, two failure conditions were found, namely failure of the brake matering valve and brake shuttle valve after making the FTA and found 11 basic events that could trigger the top event: Damaged valve, Failed Engine Driven Pump, Failed Electrically Driven Pump, insufficient hydraulics, broken seal, incorrect torque, insufficient hydraulics, leaking valve, corrosion, Damage, corrosion.} }