@thesis{thesis, author={Arfan Wayidi Fany}, title ={ANALISIS PERFORMA PESAWAT ATR42-500 REGISTRASI PK-XXX BERDASARKAN RECORDING AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL LOG DAN DEFECT MONITORING}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1266/}, abstract={Defect monitoring is an activity carried out by companies that operate aircraft in order to determine the condition of the components on the aircraft by calculating the standard deviation, calculating rate and calculating alert level. Thedata source used was obtained from the recording ATL (Aircraft Technical Log) written by the pilot and mechanic during the inspection. ATL (Aircraft Technical Log) recordings are grouped into three types to make cheking and review easier, namely Maintenance Report, Pilot Report and Component Unscheduled Removal. Documenting these data is the responsibility ofthe Engiineering division. Recording aircraft technical log and defect monitoring on ATR42-500 aircraft at PT Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure, Tbk is carried out routinely forperformance monitoring and meeting the program relibility requirements listed in CASR 121.35 (f) concerning ?Time limitation, or standards for determining time limitation, for overhauls, inspection checks of airframes, engine propellers, appliances and emergency equipment?.} }