@thesis{thesis, author={Dananta Anggra Hafidz Muhammad}, title ={SISTEM BOT BROADCAST INFORMASI DAN E-SCHEDULE MATA KULIAH OTOMATIS WHATSAPP BERBASIS PYTHON}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1272/}, abstract={The rapid development of the times and the rapid progress of science has made changes in many fields, including in the fields of technology and education, especially lectures. Sometimes getting lecture information is difficult because you have to find information on campus. To overcome this problem, media information about lectures is needed in order to increase effectiveness in lecture learning. This study aims to develop information bot broadcast systems and automatic e-schedule courses on the web-based WhatsApp application using the Python programming language. This system was created to make it easier to share information and class schedules efficiently with students via the WhatsApp application. Another problem faced is the difficulty of sharing information and class schedules with students who sometimes have busy schedules and are difficult to contact via conventional media such as e-mail or letters. In addition, errors often occur in sending information or lecture schedules due to busy lecturers. To overcome these problems, this study uses a system development method using the Python programming language and Selenium web technology for automation of the WhatsApp application. This system is also equipped with features such as setting a weekly lecture schedule and setting a one-time message delivery schedule. Software testing is required to ensure that the system or software meets predetermined functional requirements. The results of this study indicate that the information broadcast bot system and automatic e-course schedules can assist in efficiently sharing information and lecture schedules with WhatsApp application students. In addition, this system can also help reduce errors in message delivery and save time in carrying out information delivery tasks with an efficiency of 96.13% for the scheduler bot and 98.16% for the sending message bot. With this system, it is hoped that it can increase efficiency in sending information and scheduling lectures in the lecture environment.} }