@thesis{thesis, author={Lantif Imanuel}, title ={MANAGEMENT BANDWIDTH MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIMPLE QUEUE DAN FIREWALL UNTUK MEMBATASI AKSES INTERNET DI CV FON MAJU SEJAHTERA}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1313/}, abstract={The use of the Internet in everyday life is a basic necessity in today's modern era. The internet has had a considerable influence on the dissemination of information, so that more and more people are accessing data via the internet. These problems can be overcome using a proxy as a regulator of internet data traffic and Bandwidth for computer network users. This research was carried out in several stages, including: computer network topology, proxy Firewall configuration, Bandwidth control for clients (employees) at CV FON MAJU SEJAHTERA. There is a domination of Bandwidth management by the activities of several clients (employees) such as downloading or uploading large files, playing games and streaming with HD quality video, which results in other clients (employees) not getting Bandwidth allotments. In order for the Bandwidth to be used as needed, a Bandwidth distribution is made. Based on the research that has been carried out using the resulting proxy, it can meet the needs of the system, especially in terms of security and Bandwidth sharing.} }