@thesis{thesis, author={Fajar Asyidiq Muhammad}, title ={PELAPORAN PETUGAS SEKSI KEAMANAN DAN KETERTIBAN DINAS PERDAGANGAN KOTA YOGYAKARTA BERBASIS WEBSITE}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1333/}, abstract={The Security and Cleanliness Section is part of the People's Markets Division within the Yogyakarta City Trade Service which is located at Beringharjo Market. Reports must be recorded in each report book. The report notebook contains large amounts of data and sends the data to WhatsApp groups. Therefore, a web-based application was created to make it easier for officers to send reports. This application utilizes the Waterfall Method for application development and uses Black Box for test results. The results of the test run according to the application design and the results of the user test assessment were 74% of the Head of Security and Order and 77% of general users with these results being that the reporting application for Security and Order Section officers at the Trade Service stated that the category agreed with the statement given. Apart from that, this application makes it easier for officers at the Yogyakarta City Trade Service in terms of reporting and in general the application is easy to understand all the features in the application function.} }