@thesis{thesis, author={Nassrulloh Afin}, title ={ALAT PENGONTROL LAMPU BERBASIS ARDUINO ESP32 DENGAN PERINTAH SUARA GOOGLE ASSISTANT (SMART HOME)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1383/}, abstract={Smart Home is a home system where various electrical and electronic equipment is used for the control system, namely a Smartphone. This tool can also manage and control the house automatically remotely, from anywhere, and anytime. In its use by relying on an internet connection or Wi-Fi with a remote, namely a Smartphone as the controller, so that the system will be controlled more automatically via a Smartphone. In addition, this system can also control almost all home appliances automatically by using voice commands or commands on the Google Assistant application. The purpose of this design is to develop a microcontroller-based device or an internet-based system in the home environment, especially in controlling electrical equipment at home so as to increase time efficiency and user comfort. The design and manufacture of this tool is classified into two stages, namely the first stage of software design and the second stage of making hardware. The software design includes the system's main flow diagram, Google Assistant configuration, Adafruit configuration, IFTTT, configuration and making program syntax on Arduino with C Programming Language. While hardware manufacturing includes ESP32, relays, fittings, turning on, lights, adapters, and connecting cables. To instruct and turn off the lights used in Google Assistant, use English commands, the "turn on the light" command as the command to command the lights and the "turn off the light" command as the command to turn off the lights. The design of this Smart Home tool has been successfully designed so that users can access it via the internet, namely the Google Assistant application. Based on data analysis from this tool, this tool has a delay of 3 seconds to 4 seconds when the time comes and turns off the lights, can detect voice commands at all ages, and can detect commands at near or far distances. With this system, users are expected to facilitate the performance of users in controlling electronic equipment at home} }