@thesis{thesis, author={Ilham Ramadhani}, title ={PEMBUATAN GAME EDUKASI PENANGANAN PANDEMI COVID-19 MENGGUNAKAN METODE GDLC}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1392/}, abstract={At this time the world is experiencing a global COVID-19 pandemic, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government has acted quickly to tackle this pandemic, one of which is by using health education on the COVID-19 protocol. The educational game for handling the covid-19 pandemic entitled "Beat Covid- 19" is a way of educating the covid-19 protocol. This educational game is made using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method and uses Unity software as the application development and Adobe Illustrator as the 2-dimensional asset creation. This educational game can run on the Android platform version 7-11. User test results on the itch.io site show 186 views, 50 downloads, 30 ratings, 10 comments, 72 impressions, 8.33% ctr. With this educational game dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that the public will better understand how important health protocols are to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus from increasing.} }