@thesis{thesis, author={ZAINAL ARIFIN POHAN MUHAMMAD}, title ={MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB UNTUK ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR (SD) BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS: SD MUHAMMADIYAH PRAMBANAN)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1408/}, abstract={As time goes by from year to year technology is increasingly being used and utilized by humans to help or alleviate work and problems. Web Technology is one of the technologies that is often used to help or alleviate a job and problem. Web Technology can be said as a method or way to simplify and assist in the delivery of information, using the Web as a medium and Internet Technology as a means of connectivity. Teacher is one the profession use Web Technology and Web as a E- leraning to help in the learning process. From observations at Prambanan Muhammadiyah Elementary School that Arabic teachers teach for 35 minutes in one meating a week, but the time is less effective to convey all the lesson taught, Especially currently experiencing the corona virus pandemic which has forced the learning process to be held remotely. As is with E-learning of Web-Based for Arabic Language in Prambanan Muhammadiyah Elementary School can help Teacher in conveying lesson to Students. with the calculations obtained through the t-test with the results of 3,311 and ttable = 2,000, it can be concluded, |tcount|>ttable, then Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant difference, and the value by students when using learning media increased by 1,23%.} }