@thesis{thesis, author={WAHYUNINGSIH EVI}, title ={PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DI MASA PANDEMI COVID19 DI INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI DIRGANTARA ADISUTJIPTO BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DENGAN METODE SHARE LOCATION}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1429/}, abstract={During this Covid19 pandemic, so many activities and movements of human activities have been reduced so as not to contract the Corona virus, where this virus is quite dangerous and can cause death. There are so many health procedures that must be obeyed such as, always wearing a mask, keeping a distance, always washing hands, maintaining cleanliness, not touching and avoiding crowds. In facing the adaptation of new habits (new normal) towards productive and safe students against the corona virus at a time like today, face-to- face learning is also carried out with a limited capacity, namely a maximum of 50% for students who attend this laryngeal system learning. For this reason, it is necessary to have an information system that can find out how many student capacities are present in one class and minimize physical contact and control the spread of the Corona virus in the campus environment during the new normal period. This information system can also find out the location points of students who are in a class or campus environment with a share location system. This application is made using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. This application system uses a QR Code to be able to enter the website and uses the CodeIgniter framework then there are two parts, namely the visitor (user) section and the security officer (admin) section which is accessed by the user using an android smartphone and the officer using a laptop. The output of this share location is in the form of latitude and longitude data from each student who uses the application during the trial and the share location mechanism can determine the presence of student points in the campus environment. The use of this application depends on the quality of the Android smartphone GPS from each student (user).} }