@thesis{thesis, author={Fathori Nugroho Farhan}, title ={DESAIN MIKRO BOILER BIOMASSA KAPASITAS 60 KG UAP PER JAM UNTUK UMKM}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1465/}, abstract={The use of boiler technology in the industry of UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah/ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) is still very limited. It is due to the cost and the large size boilers available in the industry while the UMKM needs the small one. The development of boiler technology can increase UMKM?s efficiency. For example, UMKM of tofu production requires a relatively longer boiling process using a conventional stove. The utilization of boiler technology can increase the boiling time. The purpose of this study was to obtain a micro boiler design with a capacity of 60 kg steam per hour. The calculations were made to find the appropriate dimensions for a boiler capacity of 60 kg steam per hour by taking into account safety standards and minimizing maintenance with a compact boiler size. From the calculation, it is found that the boiler size as a whole has dimensions of length < 1.5 meters. With these dimensions, it is hoped that it can be a reference for all UMKM in manufacturing the biomass micro boilers.} }