@thesis{thesis, author={DENNIS KUSUMA BRIANTAKA}, title ={ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN (SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) BANDAR UDARA INTERNASIONAL JENDERAL AHMAD YANI SEMARANG}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1812/}, abstract={In Law No.1 of 2009 Article 217 paragraph 3 letter d states that one of the technical requirements for obtaining a certificate airport is the existence of an airport operations safety management system Safety Management System SMS. In April 2007 the US aviation authority namely the Federal Aviation Administration FAA once lowered the rating Indonesia has become category 2 from previously category 1, this is because aviation authorities in Indonesia have not met safety standards minimum flights from the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO. This research was carried out by using several techniques to collecting data, namely through observation, interviews, document examination. One of the aims of this research is to observe SMS implementation and compare the results of internal audits with external audits, external audits is the result of direct observation of the implementation of SMS in the field SMS performance indicators will be assessed according to the realization of their implementation and implementation gap analysis with reference to the ICAO SMS indicators contained in KP 622 in 2015. The research results show that all the indicators in KP 622 of 2015 has been implemented by PT. Angkasa Pura I Ahmad Airport Yani Semarang. However, there are several indicators that are still in progress improvement and development so that the effectiveness of safety performance is not yet achieved. SMS components that are still in the development stage in progress including the appointment of key personnel, identification of hazards, Change management, Training and education, Safety communication. These indicators require monitoring and improvement in their implementation regarding the procedures for fulfilling the performance that has been determined so that it is consistent programs and processes can run well} }