@thesis{thesis, author={DIMAS PRATAMA HERLAMBANG}, title ={TROUBLESHOOT INDICATOR AUXILIARY POWER UNIT FIRE BOTTLE DISCHARGED LIGHT ON PADA PESAWAT BOEING 737-800 NEXT GENERATION}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1854/}, abstract={Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Fire Extinguishing System is the one of Emergency system in the aircraft that purposed to extinguish fire if there is an fire on the APU compartment. APU Fire bottle located on horizontal stabilizer accessory compartment. There are several items that should be considered when performing Maintenance on this system. One of those items being are the pressurize that are located within the fire bottle that has a certain limit. This occurrent could be indicated from the APU BOTTLE DISCHARGED lamp that turns on from the engine / APU fire control panel The solution to fix the situation when the APU BOTTLE DISCHARGED lamp turns on on the Boeing 737-800 NG is located within the fault isolation manual that is by doing visual inspection, wiring problem check, and pressure fire bottle check. After the visual inspection, wiring problem check, and Fire bottle check will find pressure fire bottle under a certain circumtances there after a fire bottle replacement must be done. Once its done, the APU BOTTLE DISCHARGED lamp would turn off. This would indicate that the component is serviceable but could still be used when need (emergency reasons).} }