@thesis{thesis, author={IMRON AGUS SUCIPTO MUHAMMAD}, title ={UJI KARAKTERISTIK DAN LAJU PEMBAKARAN BRIKET BERBAHAN DASAR CAMPURAN AMPAS TEBU DAN BIJI BUAH KEPUH}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1893/}, abstract={The briquette is a block of material covering a bump of hardened flexible material used as fuel to start and maintain a flame. The most commonly used briquettes are charcoal briquettes, charcoal briquettes, peat briquettes and biomass briquettes. This study aims to identify the thermal characteristics of briquettes with a mixture of ingredients mixed with kepuh fruit seeds and sugarcane bagasse. This type of research is an experimental method by testing the thermal characteristics of the briquettes. The research was carried out using a calorimetric bomb to identify the calorific value, the combustion rate and thermo- scientific to identify the water content and the ash content. This research added a mixture of sugarcane bagasse with the composition of the kepuh fruit seeds : sugarcane bagasse by 100 gr : 30 gr, 100 gr : 40 gr, 100 gr : 50 gr. The data obtained were analyzed by the equation of the thermal value, the combustion rate, the water content referring to standard ASTM D-3173-03, and the ash content referring to standard ASTM D- 3174-02. The results were used to identify whether there were differences among the three samples. The results showed that the lowest calorific value was indicated in the composition of the mixture of kepuh fruit seeds and sugarcane bagasse with a ratio of 100 gr : 50 gr with a calorific value of 5809 cal/gr. While the highest calorific value was indicated in the composition of the mixture of kepuh fruit seeds and sugarcane bagasse with a ratio of 100 gr : 30 gr with a calorific value of 6271 cal/gr. In conclusion, the briquets with this composition have good quality of fuel} }