@thesis{thesis, author={MUKHAMMAD FADHIL}, title ={DESAIN BILAH TAPER UNTUK TURBIN ANGIN SKALA MIKRO MENGGUNAKAN PERANGKAT LUNAK Q-BLADE}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1908/}, abstract={The need for electrical energy in the world is increasing along with the increasing world economic growth and the proliferation of industries. Efforts to overcome this is by building a power plant center, however, still using fossil energy in which if it is used continuously it will run out. Overcoming this problem, it needs alternative using wind energy, so the research on the design of taper blades for wind turbines is needed. The research method used in this research is the simulation method, where the research is carried out with the help of several softwares, namely Microsoft Excel software, Q-Blade v0.963, and Solidwork 2016. Microsoft Excel software is used to calculate the geometry of the blade dimension design, Q-Blade v0.963 software is used to design and simulate the aerodynamics of a wind turbine, and the 2016 Solidwork software is used to perform 2-dimensional design and 3- dimensional modeling. The results of the research showed that the taper blade design obtained uses a NACA 6510 airfoil with a linear chord distribution from the base of 12 cm to the tip of 8.6 cm, and the distribution of the linear torsion angle from the base of 17.77° to 7.9°. The maximum power coefficient (Cp) obtained is 0.54 at the optimal TSR of 5.} }