@thesis{thesis, author={DEDIANTARA DEDIANTARA}, title ={ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FASILITAS DAN KAPASITAS TERMINAL PENUMPANG DI BANDAR UDARA TUNGGUL WULUNG CILACAP JAWA TENGAH}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1928/}, abstract={Tunggul Wulung airport, which was built by Pertamina, was initially used to support the oil refinery project in Cilacap. But now it is changing the function into commercial airport managed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The condition of Tunggul Wulung airport passenger terminal is currently 12 m x 45 m, which is divided into the arrival area (12 m x 30 m) and the departure area (12 m x 15 m). The Current condition is only able to accommodate less than 50 passengers during peak hours while the average peak flight time is currently more than 70 passengers.This analysis area of passenger terminal facilities in the exsisting conditions and forecasting for the needs of facilities in the planned 2024 is based on SKEP/77/VI/2005 using SNI 03-7046-2004 regulations The Calculation results for exsisting conditions have met the criteria for public airport in accordance with SNI-03-7046-2004 regulations, for the forecasting equation in 2024 using a simple linear regression equation with formula y= a x + b to produce passenger movements at peak hours of departure in 2024 91 passengers and 85 passengers during peak hours of arrival. The level of completeness in the existing conditions is sufficient to meet the needs of current terminal facilities. For the needs of 2024 with aspects of total area, length of the kerb and the completeness of the units needs to be added to complete the arrival terminal facilities, departure terminal facilities and waiting room facilities at the stump of tunggul wulung airport Cilacap Central Java.} }