@thesis{thesis, author={ISTIKOMAH ANINDIA}, title ={ANALISIS KEGAGALAN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM BOEING 737 NG DENGAN METODE FAILURE MODE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS (FMEA)}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1938/}, abstract={The research discusses the problem of AC to minimize problems with air conditioning systems, escpecially the problem on air conditioning produces hot air. The stage of this research are to study the work system of airplane AC then look for the cause of the problem using the FMEA analysis method which is strengthened by analysis of the RCFA method from honeywell as a manufacturer. This research is based on data from the pilot report of the B737 NG aircraft from January 2017 to July 2018 at GMF Aeroasia. The results showed that the problem of AC system problems in the failure mode analysis process using FMEA method obtained the highest RPN (Risk Priority Number) value 160 with the possibility polluted substances enter and clog the flow. The impact of the cooling process on the heat exchanger cannot occur perfectly. So it is necessary to do regular cleaning for the heat exchanger, if in the standart maintenance manual must be cleaned at the intervals of 2000 FC (Flight Cycle), then it can be done more often to avoid demage that often occurs.} }