@thesis{thesis, author={FAUZI AHMAD}, title ={ANALISIS KEANDALAN AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM ACTUATOR HELIKOPTER SIKORSKY S76C++ MENGGUNAKAN METODE DISTRIBUSI WEIBULL}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/1999/}, abstract={The AFCS actuator on a helicopter is a system that helps pilots when taking off, sailing, landing. Similar to the automatic pilot system on fixed wing aircraft, the AFCS Actuator is an automatic system used from airplanes to do a landing. In addition, with the AFCS it will facilitating pilots, it will provide comfort for passengers. Based on the information obtained from the mechanics as well as the engineering section, at logbook maintenance in the Sikorsky S76C ++ Helicopter, which is related to the AFCS Actuator. Where the problem concerns the driver of the AFCS or its Actuator cannot work properly. Based on the data that has been obtained in the form of flight maintenance log, component change will be processed using Weibull DR 21 software that will produce output parameters that will be used as analysis material. Calculation results using Weibull DR 21 software show that the reliability value of the AFCS Actuator decreases with age. The MTTF value obtained is MTTF 187.87 Hours or the system can work well until it fails after increasing the age of 187.87 Hours. The failure rate experienced by the AFCS Actuator is decreasing with age. Preventive maintenance activities are very effective against the type of degradation experienced by the AFCS Actuator} }