@thesis{thesis, author={EDI PURNAMA BAMBANG}, title ={MANUFAKTUR MINI VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE HELICAL-BLADE}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2005/}, abstract={Indonesia is a country that has very abundant energy resources, one of which is a source of wind energy. The potential of wind energy in Indonesia is quite adequate, because the average wind speed ranges from 3.5 - 7 m / s. Whereas according to Jogja BMKG in 2016 the average wind speed in Yogyakarta was 2.5 m / s. One of the uses of wind energy is the use of wind turbines that are widely used for agricultural needs, such as to drive pumps for irrigation purposes, as well as the need for energy that is as a wind energy power plant. This study aims to determine how the process of making a mini prototype Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Helical-Blade and can determine the results of the mini prototype VAWT. In the mini VAWT manufacturing process using conventional methods of hand lay-up and laser cutting. In the process of making prototypes, several materials including styrofoam, polycrylic resin, fiber clooth, carbon tube and multiplex are needed. In the mini VAWT manufacturing process it starts with design data then preparation of materials and tools used. In the manufacturing process requires a laser cutting process to make foam cut malls and rotor arms then in the process of making rotor blades need a hand lay-up method. If all parts have been completed then the next process is assembly to produce a Mini Vertical Axis Win Turbine Helical-Blade.} }