@thesis{thesis, author={SYURURO NAFI}, title ={ANALISIS PASSENGERS AIRPORT CHOICE DALAM MULTI-AIRPORT REGIONS (MARs) BANDAR UDARA INTERNASIONAL ADISUTJIPTO YOGYAKARTA (JOG) DAN BANDAR UDARA INTERNASIONAL YOGYAKARTA (YIA)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2014/}, abstract={Based on data from the Yogyakarta Adisutjipto International Airport, the number of passenger movements is no longer proportional to the current airport capacity. In addition to that, the apron capacity is no longer sufficient, the runway is fairly short, and the difficulty of developing the airport due to environmental factors that are not supportive. This has led to the development of other airports as a replacement, named Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). Passenger perceptions in choosing an airport are certainly differ, this study aims to analyze passenger perceptions on the Airport operation at Yogyakarta Adisutjtipto International Airport and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in commercial flights within one region (multi-airport region). This research uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, by using the airport selection attributes (accessibility, operation, economy and facilities). Passenger response will be measured, the most dominant factor in airport selection will be measured and the correlation of the relationship-direction-significance between these variables will be measured by using Spearman correlation analysis. The instrument used in this study was a closed questionnaire with 230 sample size. Airport selection factors that are considered the most influential in determining the decision to choose an airport are the " accessibility" factor with an average value of 51,30%. The correlation of the relationship between the accessibility, operational, economic and facility variables is in the position of "very low", "low" to "sufficient". The direction of the relationship between variables is positive, meaning that as the first variable is increasing, and the second variable is also increase. There are significant between variables have sig. <0.05 (significant relationship)} }