@thesis{thesis, author={ALI SOFYAN MUHAMMAD}, title ={SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN GUEST STAR PADA E-MARKETPLACE BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCT}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2150/}, abstract={E-marketplace is defined as an online trading place for goods and services that is managed by one party, the developer, then the product in it is provided by the other party, the seller. In an event, there is usually a guest star requested by the event organizer to appear as the performer. Event organizers often find difficulty to find a guest star that suits their needs for the show, on the other hand the performers such as musicians, dancers and others also have difficulty in promoting their services. Weighted product method can be applied to the decision support system for determining guest on a web-based e-marketplace. The aims of this thesis are to provide an alternative decision to choose a guest star that fits the criteria using the weighted product method and create an online market to get a guest star that is as expected. There are three criteria used to determine the guest star in this e-marketplace, namely the type of performance, price and location. As for the alternatives tested as many as nine alternatives consisting of guest stars in the Special Region of Yogyakarta area. The results of the functionality test based on black box testing using chrome, mozilla, opera and Microsoft edge browsers state that all validation functions and buttons on the e-marketplace can run according to their functions. The implementation test results are in accordance with the calculation of weighted product, namely the guest star that has the highest result of the whole is Frengki Sermadi with a value of 0.135234, while the guest star that has the lowest result of the whole is the Sanggar Titik Dua with a value of 0.083222.} }