@thesis{thesis, author={GUS BINTARA PUTRA DAEWU}, title ={PEMANFAATAN GOOGLE PLAY SERVICE UNTUK MENGUKUR KECEPATAN TERBANG DRONE BERBASIS CLIENT SERVER}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2151/}, abstract={Drone as flying equipment without a pilot have experienced good developments controlled using a remote control. The speed of the drone that cannot be accessed on the remote control can be determined through a client-server based application. The client side application is on the drone and the server side is on earth. My drone application (client) is an application that is brought flying drone and Admin drone (server) is an application to monitor speed using the Google Play Service library, the data obtained is sent to the Admin drone application (server) in real-time by using Google Firebase for shipping data. From the tests carried out it can be seen that the speed of the drone when flying horizontally, while when flying vertically the speed is not detected. Battery capacity will also decrease when the drone speed is 12.583 km / h from 60% to 23% because the drone needs energy from the battery to drive the drone's engine to reach that speed.} }