@thesis{thesis, author={EKAWATI NURUL}, title ={GENERATE SURAT NOTA DINAS PADA ADMINISTRASI PROGRAM STUDI (PRODI) TEKNIK INFORMATIKA BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNOLOGI ADISUTJIPTO)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2156/}, abstract={The Utillization of official letter is still popular in many office and agency. The Programme of Study in Informatic at Adisutjipto College of Technology Is still use manually written official letter at Microsoft Word as a communication platform to exchange information between agency. Therefore, the goal of building this generate official letter software is to simplify the process of creation of official letter for the user Programme Administration. The Server which is used to built this generate official letter software is crafted in Apache Software with XAMPP system. The programing language which is used in this software building process is PHP, along with Framework codeigniter and database MySQL. This generate official letter software is expected to help the user creating an official letter in much more simpler way. The user only need to fill the destination form, subject, and the content of the letter. User doesnt need to fill the date of creation this letter, since the date is automatically filled by the software system according to the date of creation of the letter. Also, the user doesnt need to write letter number or set the order of letter writing format, At the creation of outgoing mail, the letter numbering system from this software is automatically continue the last letter number which is created before and has been filled in the letter form. Since this software facilitate the user to ease the process to write or to find the official letter data, the user doesn?t need to searching through last official letter data entry and sorting the letter number.} }