@thesis{thesis, author={AURIGA SURYATAMA MUHAMMAD}, title ={TROUBLESHOOTING HONEYCOMB SEAL PADA ENGINE CFM56-7B}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2171/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Honeycomb Seal is one important part of the engine that has a function as a coating on the surface of the stator and shaft rotor. In addition, the Honeycomb Seal function is to close the air flow in the engine shaft so that the air flow will be focused on the compression in the blade and fan. When the shaft rotates Honeycomb Seal will have a function as an air stopper, while when the engine is off or the shaft stops rotating, the Honeycomb Seal has a function as a buffer for the Shaft. The data collection method used is by dismantling the core module in the CFM56-7 engine from the Boeing 737 NG. With the results, the damage that occurred on the CFM56-7B honeycomb engine was caused by several factors namely the birdstrike, and the age of the honeycomb. After inspection, honeycomb is found to be damaged so that it needs to be replaced with honeycomb. The process of replacing the old honeycomb seal with a new one by ensuring the gap between honeycomb seals is not more than 0,03- 0,06 inches according to the provisions of ESM and ensuring honeycomb does not tilt by using a water pass} }