@thesis{thesis, author={HUSNAN ANDRIYANA PRATAMA MUHAMMAD}, title ={TROUBLE SHOOTING AIR COOLING SYSTEM PADA PESAWAT ATR 72-600}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2172/}, abstract={Air cooling system is one of the systems contained in the air conditioning system in ATA Chapter 21 in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) contained in ATA Chapter 21-51-00. This system provides regulation of the flow and cooling air of the pneumatic system through an air conditioning pack to supply areas of the aircraft which are compressed with cold air and conditioned air. The method that used is observation, by plunging directly into the field to find out for sure the existing problems, as well as searching data from various sources that have been published widely or narrowly such as Description and Operations (DO), Job Instruction Cards (JIC), Trouble Shooting Manual (TSM), as well as the internet. After trouble shooting is carried out according to TSM 21-51-00, it is necessary to replace the ground cooling turbo-fan components that refer to Job Instruction Cards 21-51-58-RAI-10000. Then re-checking, to find out that the failure does not appear again in the air cooling system} }