@thesis{thesis, author={PUTU WISNU DIRGANTARA PUTRA I}, title ={TROUBLESHOOT HIGH OIL CONSUMPTION PADA ENGINE CFM56-7B}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2200/}, abstract={High Oil Consumption is the one of the mistake in the lubrication system when the engine consume the oil over limit. Leaking is one of that reason. High oil consumption is so seriously problem, it will make the engine over heat and make fog on the cabin. The problem its so annoying for the passenger. There are many method of inspection can use to identify this problem. We can use visual inspection and boroscope inspection. The trouble usually on the O Ring in aft seal. When we replace O ring of AFT seal its will be make the system be normally again. The normal system have oil consumption around 0,1 untul 0.3 ltr/hour. When the engine have oil consumption in that range, the engine is serviceable to use in aviation} }