@thesis{thesis, author={ANGGARA KRISNA LEO}, title ={SIMULASI KOMUNIKASI DATA ALTITUDE DAN AIRSPEED PESAWAT PADA ARINC 429 MENGGUNAKAN VISUAL BASIC 2010 EXPRESS}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2209/}, abstract={Communication is the proccess of delivering information from a side to another side. In general, communication at doing in the form of voice and data which can be understood by both sides. Data communication in a flight is very important, because with the data communication system it is easy for pilots to collect information from the devices used. In this final assignment research, data communication simulation on ARINC 429 using visual basic 2010 express software by building a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with input or input data obtained from the flight radarpro24 application, in the form of altitude and airspeed data from a Lion Air commercial flight JT922. ARINC 429 receives 32 bits of data to save, the data obtained is 32 bits of binary data, then the data analysis method is carried out using BCD data word format and Binary data word format to convert the data into decimal form so that it can be read. From this, it was concluded that so that altitude and airspeed can be read and analyzed using this format, whereas by using visual basic simulation, the conversion of data directly automatically without using analytical methods. Then it can be concluded that by using the ARINC 429 analysis format we can convert data communication and labels from ARINC 429 to be decimal forms so that the data can be read clearly and in detail} }