@thesis{thesis, author={TRESNA EKA PENGGA DOROTEA}, title ={PENGARUH KEPUASAN KERJA KARYAWAN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA BAGIAN PELAYANAN KEBERANGKATAN PENUMPANG DI PT. CITILINK INDONESIA CABANG YOGYAKARTA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2237/}, abstract={PT. Citilink Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch is one of the airline service companies that provides scheduled commercial air transportation services at low cost and prioritizes safety. With the number of flights per day as many as 11 Flights at Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta. To achieve the company's goals, the Company must pay attention to Employee Job Satisfaction. With satisfaction indicators, namely Psychological Factors, Social Factors, Physical Factors, and Financial Factors. Based on the correlation calculation, the significant value between Job Satisfaction on the psychological factor variables, social factors, physical factors and financial factors with Employee Performance has a significant value <0.05, so there is a correlation between the two variables, has a positive relationship direction and has a strong correlation between Job Satisfaction on the psychological factor variables, social factors, physical factors and financial factors with Employee Performance. By having the results of the multiple regression equation as follows Y = 32,499 + 0.054 X1 + 0.227 X2 + 0.108 X3 + 0.204 X4 which means that job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance and has a calculated F test value of 5.505 with a significance level of 0.002 so that the independent variables, namely psychological factors (X1), social factors (X2), physical factors (X3), and financial factors (X4) together influence the dependent variable (employee performance) and the results of the t-test analysis test show that the calculated t value> t-table value, then job satisfaction psychological factors (X1), social factors (X2), physical factors (X3), and financial factors (X4) have a significant effect on employee performance.} }