@thesis{thesis, author={IRVANIA YOANETHA MITE MARYANE}, title ={ANALISIS KESESUAIAN KEGIATAN MANAJEMEN LOGISTIK OBAT DENGAN REGULASI PEMERINTAH DI SEKSI FARMASI DINAS KESEHATAN KABUPATEN BELU}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2249/}, abstract={Drug logistics management is a series of activities that concern aspects of planning, procurement, storage, distribution, and disposal of drugs. The Belu District Health Office has implemented this logistics management but there are still problems, namely the failure to achieve the target of drug availability. This study aims to explore or examine in more depth the suitability between drug logistics management activities at the Belu District Health Office with government regulations starting from input, process, and output. This type of research is a study that uses in-depth interview and observation methods as a way to collect data. The informants in this study were elements of the pharmacy section of the Health Office, totaling 3 people. The results of the study showed that the input elements that were not in accordance with government regulations were that there was no Human Resources training. Process elements that were not in accordance with government regulations were there was no integrated planning team, and drug procurement had not used E-catalog with an e-purchasing system. The output elements that are not in accordance with government regulations are the number of drugs requested does not match the number of drugs provided, where the number of drugs requested is 35,664 while the number of drugs provided is 31,102. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that efforts will be made to form an integrated drug planning team, conduct training for drug managers in accordance with existing regulations so that it can increase the achievement of drug availability in the pharmacy section of the Belu Regency Health Service and in accordance with the predetermined targets.} }