@thesis{thesis, author={CARDOSO MARQUES MARGARETA}, title ={PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS CARGO DENGAN PENDEKATAN SEVEN TOOLS DAN ANALISIS SIX SIGMA SERTA KAIZEN SEBAGAI USAHA PENGURANGAN IRREGULARITY CARGO (STUDI KASUS DI PT. SDV LOGISTICS IMAGINATION EAST TIMOR)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2255/}, abstract={PT. SDV Logistics Imagination East Timor is one of the companies engaged in the ground handling (cargo) service industry. There are 4 irregularity cargo in the cargo service process, namely missing cargo, damage cargo, overload cargo and delay cargo. In this study, the Seven Tools and Six Sigma methods were used to identify the causes of irregularity cargo so that it can control the quality of service and the Keizen method was used to help improve the quality of service. Based on data processing, it was obtained that the irregularity cargo in the departure and arrival processes that were prioritized was damage cargo with a percentage of 31.79% on departure and 33% on arrival. The Six Sigma value on departure is 3.910 and the DPMO value is 7965.816, while the Six Sigma value on arrival is 3.723 and the DPMO value is 13098.149. Therefore, there are still many things that need to be improved in the service process in the cargo section, including improvements to existing problems, namely in terms of man (employees), providing training to employees so that they can better understand how to handle cargo properly and correctly and supervising employees/officers to carry out work according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). In terms of the machine, carrying out maintenance on the work machine and in terms of the environment, preparing a place for separating cargo so that cargo does not pile up and experience irregularities in the departure and arrival service process.} }