@thesis{thesis, author={Yaffi Shihab Muhammad}, title ={PENGUJIAN PENGIRIMAN DATA METAR KE KOKPIT PESAWAT MENGGUNAKAN MICROCONTROLLER ARDUINO UNO BERBASIS WIRELESS DI JAKARTA AIR TRAFFIC SERVICESCENTER (JATSC)}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2280/}, abstract={The system of METAR transmission has been progressively developed. Initially, pilots had to be manually informed by the ATCs. Then, the audio broadcast system, called ATIS, was invented and programmed to continuously send data to the cockpit through VHF. The latest innovation, SATCOM, utilizes datalink sent to the ACARS which is digitally built in the cockpit.. Therefore, the simulation design proposed in this paper is expected to become an insightful educational simulation tool for students in Aviation Engineering Study Program. The design itself employs microcontrollers arduino uno to control the input and output data, also that acts as the regulator of the request and answer data. It also has SIM 900 which functions the medium of transmitter and receiver of data sent by arduino. METAR data delivery test results to the cockpit of the aircraft using this information delivery tool only takes approximately 3 seconds, much faster when compared to Voice ATIS.Despite using GSM sim900 as a replacement for communications satellite media, this simulation shows the use of D-ATIS is a precise and rapid innovation.} }