@thesis{thesis, author={ERMELINDA BUPU MARIA}, title ={ANALISIS LAPANGAN TERBANG GADING SAAT DIOPERASIKAN BAGI PENERBANGAN SIPIL DENGAN MELAKUKAN PERANCANGAN PANDUAN TAKEOFF DARI LAPANGAN TERBANG GADING}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2292/}, abstract={Until now, Gading Airfield cannot be used for commercial flights. However, in the future, along with the increasing number of commercial and training flights, Gading Airfield will continue to be developed to help smooth flights in DI Yogyakarta. Thus some flight guidelines for civil aviation must be made. Several analysis and calculation methods are carried out starting from general analysis of the airfield, counting and design of the takeoff guide patron starting from two sides of the runway, namely from RWY 10 and 28. The calculation consists of MTOW calculation which is limited by PCN, calculation of takeoff path, calculation Takeoff distance requirement, calculation of climb segment up to 1.500 feet, calculation of flight turn 1.500 feet, to design patron takeoff path guidance. Result of this analysis and calculation the conclusion that Gading Airfield generally can be used for the aircraft with max weight up to 21.530 kg ATR 72 Basic Tire. Exit route procedure from Gading Airfield to JOG WAHH are the track 317 with distance 11 nm, and track 271 with distance 30,1 nm to YIA WAHI. Two design of takeoff flight path guidance from GDG ke JOG are Gading One Departure RW 28, and Gading Two Departure RW 10. While takeoff flightpath guidance from GDG to YIA are Gading Three Departure RW 28, and Gading Four Departure RW 10. Takeoff procedure RW 28, after takeoff climb until reaching altitude 1.500 feet, then turn right joining fight rute DCT01 to JOG, or turn left joining flight rute DCT02 to YIA. Takeoff procedure RW 10, after climb until 1.500 feet trun right back track overhead GDG VOR continue joining DCT 02 to YIA or joining DCT 01 to JOG.} }