@thesis{thesis, author={ILHAM JATY FADILLAH}, title ={MANUFAKTUR ENGINE TEST-BENCH DAN PENGUJIAN MINI ELECTRIC DUCTED FAN}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2305/}, abstract={Electric Ducted fan (EDF) is a propulsion system that is sourced from an electric motor which is a model engine in mini size. The main producer of thrust is the ability of the rotating fan. In this study, the manufacture of engine test-bench test equipment was carried out by designing it in 3-dimensional form in CATIA software. After that, the components of the test equipment were manufactured using cutting and drilling techniques and assembled the components into test equipment. Next, a test was conducted to validate the engine test-bench test kit by comparing the manufacturer's data with the test results using EDF measuring 70 mm 12 blades. Tests are carried out at intervals of 2,000 RPM starting from 10,000 to 20,000 RPM. EDF when tested using a test-bench engine has a maximum thrust value of 2061.665 grams at a maximum power of 1600 watts, when compared to the manufacturer's data it has a thrust of 2250 grams at a maximum power of 1600 watts, has a difference of 8.37% difference in value.} }