@thesis{thesis, author={Syahrul Ramadhan Muhammad}, title ={ANALISIS KEKUATAN TARIK MATERIAL KOMPOSIT SERAT ALAM DAUN AGEL MENGGUNAKAN VARIASI MATRIKS RESIN EPOXY DAN POLYESTER DENGAN ORIENTASI ARAH SERAT 00 dan 900}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2353/}, abstract={Composite is a material that is made by combining two types of materials that have different properties. Composites material made of natural fiber continue to be researched and developed to become an alternative material for metal substitutes. Natural fibers have advantages such as environmentally friendly, low density, recyclable, biodegradable, non-toxic, low cost, and good non-abrasive and heat retaining properties. The test carried out is a tensile test that is adjusted to the ASTM D3039 test standard using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) tool to obtain stress and strain values. The results of the tensile strength of the agel leaf fiber composite material with an epoxy matrix with fiber direction 0 0 and 90 0 are 9.588294 Mpa and 9.519644 Mpa respectively, then the agel leaf fiber composite material with a polyester matrix of 0 0 and 90 0 is equal to 7,236818 Mpa and 14.400 476 Mpa respectively.} }