@thesis{thesis, author={Irianto Budi}, title ={ANALISA KESIAPAN FIRE FIGHTING STATION UNTUK MENDUKUNG OPERASIONAL PENERBANGAN DI BANDAR UDARA ABDULRACHMAN SALEH MALANG}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2385/}, abstract={Fire fighting station readiness is one of the important strategies to be implemented in the accident prevention program in the workplace is with emergency management planning. With the planning and preparation of emergency conditions, the number of victims and losses can be minimized so that the situation returns to normal. Because of the above, a complete and adequate emergency response preparation system is needed at the airport, not only limited to disasters that occur on aircraft but also disasters that befall terminal buildings such as fires, sabotage, hazardous chemical spills, endemic diseases, riots, terrorism, and natural disasters. The Aviation Accident Assistance and Firefighting Work Unit (PKP PK) is a work unit that must be present at an airport. One of the benchmarks for the success of the Aviation Accident Assistance and Firefighting (PKP PK) service is the ability to achieve response time. Emergency Management (Airport Emergency Plan/AEP) is a service to save lives and property from incidents and/or aircraft accidents at the airport and its surroundings up to a radius of 5 Miles (± 8 Km) from the airport reference point, as well as saving lives and property from incidents, accidents and/or fires at airport facilities. The PKP-PK equipment at Abdulrachman Saleh Malang Airport, still has several shortcomings, so to support the PKP PK facilities, the PKP-PK facilities belonging to the Indonesian Air Force are still being used. The level of readiness for PKP-PK facilities still cannot meet the standards set by the government. Efforts to improve PKP-PK facilities are by re-registering all equipment to comply with the regulations set by the government.} }